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Science Fair/Published Research

2016-17: Contact Lens Prototype to Help Alert for Hypo/HyperGlycemia - New Device Design Survey (State-Finalist, 1st at County SF)

Diabetes is a chronic condition affecting a growing portion of the population. Severe hypoglycemia (insulin shock) and hyperglycemia (diabetic coma) are life-threatening, and common among patients with diabetes. Because the traditional, most common glucose-monitoring technique involves finger-pricking, patients find it inconvenient and painful to constantly monitor glucose levels. There are limited accurate non-invasive glucose monitors to warn of hypo/hyperglycemia. Prior research indicated a significant correlation between tear-fluid and capillary blood glucose levels. This study’s purpose was to seek clinical feedback from patients with diabetes and their families/friends about the design of a new device: a color-changing contact lens prototype to alert for hypo/hyperglycemia.

Furthermore, this study used an anonymous survey to assess intention to use and importance of using the device from 126 patients and friends/family members. A significant difference was found between the intention to use/recommend the device to alert the patient (p<0.01) and others around (p<0.05) between the two groups. An independent T-test was computed and found no significant difference (p=0.263) between the two groups for model ranking, most preferred model, and preference for either one or two alerting lenses. The model with five stages (severe hypo, hypo, normal, hyper, & severe hyperglycemia indication), Model 1, was ranked as most preferred by both groups. Overall, participants prefer two alerting contact lenses than one, blue for hypoglycemia, and red for hyperglycemia.

The results did support the original hypothesis; participants preferred a more specific indicator of hypo/hyperglycemia for the color-changing contact lens prototype.

The findings of this study appear to provide a promising avenue for additional research studies relating to the alert of hypo/hyperglycemia and the first generation of continuous, non-invasive tear glucose monitoring sensors. By using such a device many of the complications associated with frequent hyper/hypoglycemic events can be avoided, in addition to a higher quality of life for patients.

My google science fair submission:

2015-16: Accuracy of Non-Invasive Continuous Glucose Nanosensor for Ex-Vivo Artificial Pancreas (4th place at International SF, State-Finalist, 1st at County SF)

Diabetes is a serious worldwide epidemic that affects a growing portion of the population. While the most common method for testing blood glucose involves finger pricking, it is painful and inconvenient for patients. This study’s purpose was to measure the accuracy of a continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) nanosensor designed for interstitial fluid in artificial tear fluid, under random glucose fluctuations. Moreover, this study assessed the accuracy of the nanosensor connected to a circuit made by the researcher, relative to a commercial glucose meter, using the Clark’s Error Grid Analysis (EGA). After producing a linear regression for predicting glucose levels from the voltage decay time (sec) in the CGM nanosensor, the accuracy of the non-invasive system was determined to be acceptable within the error margins. A Pearson correlation was also computed and showed a significant correlation (p<0.001) between the commercial glucose meter values and the predicted glucose from both the CGM nanosensor and the standard commercial glucose meter strips attached to the circuit (the control).
The results did support the original hypothesis; the accuracy of the non-invasive tear glucose monitoring system is promising, as it appears acceptable using current commercial invasive CGM technology. This significant result suggests that the coupling of a non-invasive CGM system, a system that detects the glucose in tears, along with an insulin pump may be feasible as an ex-vivo artificial pancreas treatment. By employing this ex-vivo artificial pancreas, many of the complications associated with frequent hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia events can be avoided, in addition to a higher quality of life. 

Pictures from the data collection process:

Pictures from the State/International Science Fair Trip:

2014-15: Clinical Accuracy of Non-Invasive Glucose Monitoring for Ex-Vivo Artificial Pancreas (4th place at International SF, 3rd at Florida State SF, 1st at County SF)

Diabetes is a serious worldwide epidemic that affects a growing portion of the population. While the most common method for testing blood glucose levels involves finger pricking, it is painful and inconvenient for patients. We compared the glucose levels measured non-invasively from tears to those obtained from capillary blood in 10 diabetic and non-diabetic patients. In addition, we assessed the clinical accuracy of the newly developed non-invasive tear glucose monitoring system using a Clarke Error Grid Analysis (EGA) and tested if such a relationship is individualized or universal. Capillary blood and right- and left-eye tear fluids were collected and analyzed using a glucose meter circuit built by the researchers. Capillary blood was also analyzed using a commercial glucose meter, which was used as the reference in the EGA. After predicting glucose values from the voltages using linear regression, the clinical accuracy of the non-invasive system was found to be universal. There was a significant correlation (p < 0.001) between the commercial glucose meter values and the predicted glucose values from the left- and right-eye tear fluid.

The results support the original hypothesis: the clinical accuracy of the non-invasive tear glucose monitoring system is promising, as it appears universal, similar to a commercial glucose meter. This significant result suggests that the coupling of a non-invasive glucose monitoring system, such as one that detects glucose in tears, with an insulin pump may be clinically feasible as an ex vivo artificial pancreas treatment. By employing this ex vivo artificial pancreas, many of the complications associated with frequent hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia events could be avoided, increasing the quality of life. 

2013-14: Durability of the Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII) Patch Adhesive (State-Finalist, 1st at County SF)

Diabetes, a serious global epidemic growing at a tremendous rate, affects about 26 million people in the United States. Diabetes occurs when the pancreas cannot produce sufficient insulin or use that insulin to regulate blood-sugar level. Thus, most diabetics need to inject insulin into their bodies. In recent years, many diabetics are using Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII), also know as the ‘insulin pump’, to minimize hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Patients have indicated that using the CSII is more comfortable than the traditional treatment, which requires multiple daily injections. However, one of the most significant challenges with the CSII is the low durability of the patch adhesive, which leads to dislodgement of the cannula (a small plastic insulin delivery tube) from the skin. The purpose of this study was to compare the durability of the current CSII adhesive to an octyl cyanoacrylate– based adhesive. Four experimental plates and a jig with a ratchet were constructed. Adhesive was placed on synthetic skin and gauze was placed over each adhesive. By operating the ratchet, the gauze was ripped off the synthetic skin, and a data-collection program attached to a computerized gauge recorded the force over time. For half of the experiment, artificial sweat was sprayed onto the gauze and adhesive before operating the ratchet. The steps were repeated for 80 experiments. Using an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) statistical test, we showed that the octyl cyanoacrylate–based adhesive is significantly (F(3,79)=76.3, p<0.001) stronger than the current CSII adhesive, both with and without the presence of artificial sweat.

2012-13: Most Water-Resistant Adhesive for Diabetic Insulin Pumps (State-Finalist, 1st at County SF)

The purpose of this experiment was to measure which strong natural adhesive is the most water-resistant for insulin pumps. The hypothesis stated that if three different mixtures composed of banana, banana+salt, and banana+gelatin are compared to see which is the most  water-resistant, then the banana+gelatin mixture will be the most water resistant, because  studies in the past have shown that gelatin mixtures are better at resisting water than most  other mixtures. 
The procedure included warming up six paper-towels, measuring their weight, each paper was placed in a labeled plastic packet with drawn out borders. The three mixtures of flour, water, and: banana, banana+salt, or banana+gelatin were prepared. Each mixture was put across the top of two plastic packets. After all of adhesive mixtures dried, the packets were submerged into a tub filled with water and weights were placed. After 24 hours, the papers were extracted and the weight of each was measured. The average amount of water each paper absorbed was calculated. The data indicated that the banana+gelatin adhesive was the most water resistant, the banana+salt the second, and the banana only the least. The results supported the hypothesis, however, it was hard to precisely control the spreading of the glue,  make sure the glue had enough time to dry, and find a scale accurate enough. In conclusion, I have discovered that a strong natural adhesive made with banana and gelatin (along water and  flour) is significantly more resistant to water than the other naturally based glues assessed.

2011-12: Spit, Goat Milk, and/or Iodine: Which One Can Save Your Life? (2nd at County SF)

The problem that my experiment was addressing is for people who happened to get an open wound while being in the wild or a rural area, know which mixture of natural-based ingredients can be used as an antiseptic substance in reducing the risk of open wound infection. It was hypothesized that if an antiseptic substance composed of one or more of the three main elements (human saliva, goat milk, and/or iodine) where to be applied to a bacteria found on doorknobs and computer keyboards found in my school, then the compound with all ingredients combined would have a greater kill zone area, because it contains the most antiseptic substances. The procedure followed was to take small paper disks, dipped in an antiseptic compound/substance, and put them on agar dishes that are filled with bacteria infested saline*. Then, the student was to put the agar dishes in an incubator, and count the colonies after 2-4 days. It was concluded that the iodine solution was the most effective antiseptic substance/compound. The results of the experiment did not support the hypothesis, because there was an interaction effect between the saliva and the other ingredients. This caused the compounds with the saliva to be less effective then without it, but better than the control. The order of antiseptic effectiveness of the substance/compound studied (ranged from greatest to least) include: iodine solution (C), goat milk (B), goat milk+iodine (BC), milk+iodine (ABC), saliva+iodine (AC), saliva+goat milk (AB), and saliva (A).

*The bacteria was collected from the doorknobs, the science lab computer keyboards, and computer mice in the school with sterile cotton swabs

2010-11: Glue and Glucose: What Makes A Strong Natural Adhesive for Medical Use? (State-Finalist, 1st at County SF)

  1. Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to see which natural glue found in fruits and vegetables can be the strongest for medical purposes, such as butterfly strips.
  2. Hypothesis: If a natural adhesive has a higher level of fruit-based sugar (controlling for all other adhesive ingredients), then it will be stronger, because a set of three medical butterfly strips are able hold more weight.
  3. Procedure: The student should first make a hole in a wooden plate, place two metal hooks in, and secure it with duct tape. Next, the student should twist three pieces of gauze in the middle. Then, the student shall put the metal skewer through the bottom of each gauze-strip. Then, the student will make a mixture of fruit, flour, and water, glue the top of the gauzes to the medical foam using the mixture and let it dry. The student will hang it up, put D-size batteries until it falls, and note number of batteries held. Finally repeat the steps with all three fruits.
  4. Results: It was observed that the more natural sugars in the fruit- based glue, the stronger the glue is. The banana was the strongest holding 31 D-size batteries, and the strawberry at 29 D-size batteries. The weakest glue was the avocado with two D-size batteries.
  5. Conclusions: In conclusion, the stronger the natural fruit-based adhesive is, the greater the number of batteries it can hold. Future research should experiment with the length of time the glue is drying.

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