Our teacher, Dr. Fass, was the best teacher I'll probably every have. It was a joy to behold and I will forever cherish my Pez. I've been here for four years, nothing works here, but it was a hell of a time!
Guide to the Ap exam: (i.e. the night before cramming notes). This is a pretty good review, although if you have a bookstore near you and can't read my handwriting, SparkCharts are essentially the same.
To understand the materials: my notes* (click link for pdf), read your textbook, even Kahoot is pretty good. Look up most of the experiments on Youtube! There often are strange or funny clips that explain the subject pretty well (we watched a lot of the show 60 minutes).
Quick guide to my notes: blue is psychologist, yellow is vocab, purple is word of test (important!)
Practice Tests: Collegeboard old tests, google "AP Physcology Final," that kinda thing. Honestly, Pysch is really interesting so it's not that hard for most students.

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