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Art: anything you can get away with

Art, in most forms, has always been a part of me, a part of my family, for as long as I can remember. Art is important, whether as a biologist, engineer, or teacher. 

To me, art is a stress reliever, a way to express myself in an exciting yet calming way. I do a lot of studying in the hope it will positively affect my future, so art is my main source for immediate gratification. I pick a pencil, a page, I start, and I finish sometime later with something that I'm proud of. Below I have put some of my art, and much of the art (including many parts of this website's background) I archived on my instagram

I do all kinds of art. Sculpting, sketching (graphite, charcoal), drawing, painting...even tshirt and graphic designs! Art is a very vague term, so I like to use it loosely and say even my notes and my research is (in a sense) art. 

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