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AP Calculus AB/Sat II Math IIC

Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus AB is considered an AP course that is recommended to people who like math/will use math in their future careers. Like most classes, the best way to study (at least for me) is to understand the material (my teacher's lectures were gold but if you have time: Khan Academy, invest in Sparkcharts if the test is a month or less away), apply it, and take as many practice tests as possible.

To understand the materials: my notes* (click link for pdf), watch Get a 5 or **Khan Academy** (the best!) if that's your thing, I do not recommend getting a review book (although Sparkcharts** are amazing; the best way to understand math subjects is typically to practice, either step by step with an instructor or alone).

To apply the knowledge: Do the old tests! Teach others! But mostly, do the homework it's really that simple.

Practice Tests: Collegeboard old testsOfficial Course Description, google "AP Calc Practice," old AP Calc Multiple Choice tests are available, do your homework?

Great MC: 1988, 1993, 1997, 1998
Great FRQs: 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2007B

Pay attention to when position,velocity and/or acceleration are the same sign (if both negative the derivative is actually increasing).

SAT II Math IIC is not one of the hardest SAT II's, but it is a very quick exam. Most people don't finish, and even the second time I took the exam it was a race against the clock. It's very similar to the stuff they are supposed to teach in algebra 2 and pre-cal, but many times don't get around to (probability, matrices, arithmetic sequences, etc.).

**Check out Sparknotes for Subject Tests!!!**

To understand the materials: general AP Calc studying helps (but since Calc isn't tested on the exam only limits, don't sweat it), extra SAT II note, Barrons review book (has amazing practice).

To apply the knowledge: practice!

Practice Tests: Sparknotes for Subject Tests review every topic with practice questions, invest in the official review books, google "Subject test Math 2 Practice tests."

Key to Maya's Notes: 
Highlighter yellowish green post it notes are formulas,
Purple circles are usually particles,
w/o means without,
~ means about/approximately

*Please keep in mind the notes on this website are more for storage/my brother's use so if the handwriting is a bit difficult in some areas review books or even textbooks are also great studying tools.
**There are two Sparkcharts for Calc: Calc I (limits, derivatives, & trig), and Calc II (integrals & Calc BC stuff).

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