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AP/Sat II Biology

Advanced Placement (AP) Biology is considered one of the hardest AP's courses offered, but does not have one of the hardest AP exams. Like most classes, the best way to study (at least for me) is to understand the material, apply it, and take as many practice tests as possible. I was in luck, my biology teacher, Mr. Feilich, gave amazing lectures in honors and AP Biology, but for the less fortunate Mr. Anderson can help!

To understand the materials: my notes* (click link for pdf**, it's a huge file so can't preview only download), WATCH AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE: Anderson videos, invest in a review book (SparkchartsBarrons is very good, but has more information then needed).

To apply the knowledge: Honestly, the knowledge in AP Bio is best applied by incorporating it into everyday life. For example, many of the ecology terms can be visually noticed by stepping outside. Moreover, my dad has little to none biology knowledge, so I would lecture to him/give him practice questions/have discussions after reviewing the material.

Practice Tests: old Collegeboard tests,  google "AP Bio tests or final," Barrons review book practice tests (Princeton Review books practice tests are terrible),  reviewing flash cards (I would just spout out everything I knew on each topic, going over the unfamiliar ones).

SAT II Biology E/M is not that bad of an SAT II, but it depends which you choose. The first set of questions are the same, but then the second set of questions on the exam are either in the field of molecular biology (M) (i. e. DNA, proteins, cells) or ecological biology (E) (communities, species, density problems, etc.). The test taker gets to choose on the spot. It's even less material as AP Biology, with some added topics: some classification, human body systems, animal body systems (if you don't know the digestive system of a worm..look below!), among others.

**Check out Sparknotes for Subject Tests!!!**

To understand the materials: general AP Biology studying (see above), **SPARKNOTES** (I was happy actually only using Sparknotes to study for SAT II Bio M).

To apply the knowledge: general AP Biology examples (see above)

Practice Tests: Sparknotes for Subject Tests review every topic with practice questions, invest in the official review books, google "Subject test Biology Practice tests." Practice!

Key to Maya's Notes: 
Pay attention to arrows
w/o means without,
~ means about/approximately

*Please keep in mind the notes on this website are more for storage/my brother's use so if the handwriting is a bit difficult in some areas review books or even textbooks are also great studying tools.

**My bio notes are a bit...excessive (haha). I want to warn you that it may seem like a lot of information, but at the end of the day it's more than you would need to pass the AP exam. To ace Mr. Feilich's class...good luck.

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